A Social Wearable that Affords Vulnerability
Vulnerability is a common experience in everyday life and is frequently perceived as a flaw to be excised in technology design. Yet, research indicates it is an essential aspect of wholehearted living among others. In this project we co-designed and deployed "True Colors", a novel wearable device intended to support social interaction in a live action roleplay game (LARP) setting. We followed a Research-through-Design process that helped us to discover and articulate the possibility space of vulnerability in the design of social wearables, as support for producing a sense of social empowerment and connection among wearers within the LARP. Our conclusions may be of value to others designing wearables and related technologies aimed at supporting co-located social interaction in games/play. This project was led by Ella Dagan and co-authored with Elena Márquez Segura, Ferran Altarriba Bertran, Miguel Flores, and Katherine Isbister. We collaborated with Event Horizon Larp crew.
#Social Augmentation